Skin Care Routine for Strong Tough Skin
Our bodies produce a callus in response to friction, micro-cuts, and use. This helps us naturally protect our skin from repetitive use damage. Our goal is to promote that natural process, in order to achieve mutant strong skin.
After Climbing:
- Wash with soap & water - clean skin heals faster!
- Clip or remove any dead torn skin.
- Groom calluses - Use a pumice stone to thin out thick spots.
- Rinse hands with alcohol (rubbing alcohol, not bourbon) to clean the micro-cuts, and dry and harden the skin.
- Liberally apply JTree Salve... reapply throughout the evening.
- If it's oily for more than 10 minutes, use a bit less next time. It should soak right in to dry damaged skin!
Do This... Don't Do That!
- Use JTree in the morning and at night on rest days to help condition skin.
- Use JTree for any skin irritation, and for dry skin.
- Always keep JTree with you & share with friends!
- Don't use salve right before you train or compete.
- Avoid lotions - They soften skin making it rip and tear.