There is no doubt we are currently in one of the most polarizing times in American history, but we think it is important to discover that common ground and rise above the turmoil of current politics for issues that matter to everyone. For us at Jtree, and to many others around the country, that common thread is protecting the natural beauty, splendor, and recreational possibilities of our public lands. Currently, there is a push by officials in Utah, namely Governor Herbert, to bring federal lands, including Bears Ears National Monument, under state control. This effort exposes these lands to a much greater risk of being sold to private interests and eliminating them as historical and recreational places we all can enjoy.
If allowed to pass, this effort has the potential to set a dangerous precedent allowing federally protected land to be usurped by the state and sold to the highest bidder. Selling off our most precious asset, nature, for short term profit is a de facto crime against those of us who rely on it for not only our livelihood, but for our personal pursuits and enjoyment. The land does not belong to a government, state or federal, to do with what they please — the land is ours, it is held in public trust for all of us, not just a select few and certainly not for profit.
We represent a smaller portion of the outdoor industry than our counterparts at Black Diamond and Patagonia, but we share similar aspirations, and while we speak with a smaller voice, we shout the same message with the same fervor and enthusiasm. While we are not able to issue the type of ultimatum a multimillion dollar corporation can, we can beg each and every person who shares our ideals to write the legislators in places they live and play; vote with their powerful pocketbooks; and stand strong for ideals that rise above partisan politics.
Contact your Senators here to make your voice heard.
#ProtectBearsEars #Utah