Name: Taylor Woolsey
Title: Professional Water Ski Athlete
Taylor May Woolsey, 19, daughter of water ski legends, Jennifer Leachman and Kris LaPoint, has been making a splash on the water ski scene since she was just 16, when she first qualified to ski in the open women's slalom division. Over her ski career, she has won numerous events and been consistently ranked for both under 21 and Open Women water skiers in the world! She skied in her first professional level event at age 17, placing top 10 at the Sac Town Gold Rush in California. Her most recent ski season was her first at the collegiate level. She dominated the women's slalom division at the Collegiate Western Regional Championships, helping her school, Arizona State University, take home the gold and shortly after that, she placed 6th in the nation amongst collegiate level skiers from across the nation at the 2012 US Collegiate National Championships. After a great start to her collegiate career, she decided it was time to take her skiing more seriously and she recently transferred to the University of Central Florida to pursue her dream of being even more competitive on the professional level, while studying Marketing, Spanish and International Business. This past season, 2013, was her first official season competing solely on the professional level and she qualified for her first finals at the Atlanta Pro Am, placing top 5. She says she “looks forward to being on the start dock with all of the people she has looked up to since she was young including her MOTHER" this coming season in 2014!"
Age: 18
Years doing what you do: Skiing - 14 years ...Professional Level - 2 years
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Favorite product: Honestly can't choose just one: Water Sports Salve and Tinted Lip Balm
Please list your top three career highlights: First Career Pro Finals 2013 Atlanta ProAm, 5th at Jr World Championships 2009, First Mother-Daughter Duo Professional Competitors in Women's Slalom 2012
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go
and why? Spain, because their culture has always fascinated me and I have not been there yet!
If you had a yacht what would you name it? "Perseverance"
What is your favorite movie quote? "The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!"
--- Rocky Balboa
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? Sea weed!
Blog or Website: still in development!
Facebook: Taylor May Woolsey
Instagram: TayMaySki
Twitter: TayMaySki
Pinterest: None :(